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Jeffrey Elvis wants your show to be the very best it can be. Making sure the performance area is setup properly before the show can make a big difference on the experience of your guests.
Stage Layout.jpg

"I know how it is, when you hire an entertainer, you really don't know what you are getting. I'll save you the time of digging through more than 50 five-star references; the show is interactive and really connects to the audience. Whether the show is for 30 people or 300, the effect is the same and you will feel like you have had a real Elvis experience that only the King himself could deliver".


Jeffrey has performed his Elvis tribute show for more than 100 audiences including Night Clubs, Casinos, Birthday Parties, Weddings, Public Events, Fairs, and even Parades. His show is versatile and works closely with the organizers to make sure the audience has the very best experience possible for the budget available.



Only the best in HD Quality sound, Wireless and Blue Tooth technology are used in the Jeffrey Elvis show to deliver the best possible quality that can be set up in 30 minutes or less. Currently the system packs a punch for any size audience at 7000 Watts of power, perfect for up to 200 people indoors or 150 Outdoors. The sound and lighting is designed to create a Los Vegas Show Experience that fans will remember for a long time to come.


For audiences up to 300 people, Jeffrey's sound and lighting system is more than adequate for that funky DJ dance sound.  We will work closely with you and help find an advanced system and/or DJ to make sure your system will handle the load. 



Jeffrey prefers to be close to the venue at least four hours ahead of time and if extensive travel is required, arrival the night before is preferred to allow rest time. A one night stay per show is usually adequate for out of town shows. Jeffrey frequently travels with his son and wife that assist or perform with him in the show.



A stage diagram layout and lighting schedule will be provided for theatrical performances. Jeffrey plays the acoustic piano as often in shows as possible as long as it is tuned properly and sounds great.   



Jeffrey prefers a cocktail style layout with a half moon chair and/or table layout so that he can walk right down the middle, right up to the audience. This area will also be used for dancing. Even if a stage is available, a half moon configuration is preferred as long as it doesn't separate the audience to far from the stage. Jeffrey likes to be "up close and personal"  

SETUP Make sure you allow 1-2 hours of setup time. Jeffrey Elvis likes to be set up 1-2 hours before show-time.


LAYOUT The preferred room configuration is a horseshoe for the front rows and adequate room to reach all other guests in the room. Jeffrey does use a stage where available but spends much of the show right down in front of the audience. A combination of tables and chairs is okay if food and drinks are served. SEE DIAGRAM BELOW.


DANCING Most shows have some dancing but rarely more than 10 people at a time. The stage area inside the horseshoe area usually doubles as the dance floor. If the setup is the dance floor, the dance floor will also be the stage until people get up and dance.


TIMING If food is being served, Jeffrey prefers to come out before people finish eating so they don’t leave before the show gets started. The first set is sit-down music for this reason. The second set is more dance-oriented.


MEALS Jeffrey eats very light or not at all before going on stage. If food is served, please reserve a plate with a healthy fair of salad and fruit.


SHOW INTRO Jeffrey starts the show with 2001 Space Odyssey. He will introduce himself unless there is an MC to make the announcement.


SPECIAL REQUESTS If there is a birthday or anniversary you would like to acknowledge, please let Jeffrey know so he can honor those people during the show.


GIVEAWAYS Jeffrey hands out posters for free, several Teddy Bears and Scarves.


ITEMS FOR SALE Venues rarely cover all the costs of shows so we ask that you partner with us by providing space for selling shirts, mugs, and scarves and reminding people we have a tip jar. The show is constantly being upgraded to be the very best. Thanks for your help in the financial area.  

What you need to know in Preparation for a Show
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